Sell Record Automatic Door Parts
How It Works
Contact Customer Service
If you think you might have automatic door parts we would be interested, please contact
[email protected] for a quotation today. Please include photos and any descriptions or markings on the parts that will help our team identify the components you have. We will gladly send you a quotation.
Accept Quotation
Once the quotation is accepted we will send you a prepaid shipping label and will pay for the shipping of the automatic door parts to our warehouse.
Product Inspection
We will confirm the products are what was quoted.
Receive Your Money By Paypal, Check, or Store Credit
We'll send your money to you by paypal, check, or store credit.
Record Master Core List
We'll pay you top dollar on the following Record parts. Our list is always growing and changing with market demand, so contact
[email protected] for an up to date quotation with today's market.
- 6000/8000 SWING OPERATOR 100.00
- 5100 MTRGEARBOX 37.50
- 5100 CONTROL 37.50